Alfalfa 9111



Alfalfa 9111 is known for its winter hardiness and stand persistence. Cold winters in Manitoba ensure that there is a phenotypic shift that favors only the winter hardy plants.

9111, is a tap rooted, fine stemmed, high quality alfalfa with some multi-leaf expression. It is a high quality alfalfa with a fall dormancy rating of 3.

9111 is resistant to aphanomyces, fusarium wilt, and phytophthora root rot. It also shows high resistance to anthracnose, bacterial wilt and moderate resistance to verticillium wilt. Its WI disease rating (WRD) is 25.

This exciting variety ranked first in relative feed value in MN and WI state quality trials conducted (1992-2000 production years), 16% higher than the Vernal check, and 8% higher than the mean Relative Feed Value (RFV). This data represents a mid-September harvest in the seeding year. Total milk per acre is 5% higher than the vernal check variety. While the tonnage yields are average, it beat out high yielding varieties like Dairyland’s magnum on a milk per acre basis.

9111 Alfalfa can be harvested at the same time as lower quality varieties, and, as in these trials, be of higher RFV, or they can be harvested later for the same RFV. This means that 9111 gives the hay producer a larger harvest window to put up dairy quality hay enduring a better bottom line for his operation.

This is the ideal variety for producers looking for a high quality alfalfa with proven winter hardiness and stand persistence.