Birdsfoot Trefoil – Bruce

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This is Ag Canada’s newest release of trefoil from Dr. Papadopoulos’ world class breeding program. This cultivar has been selected for vigorous seedling growth characteristics and for superior winter hardiness over previous North American cultivars. This has been borne out by Cornell University, New York State trials where BRUCE out yielded the check variety, NORCEN, by 51% (5 % LCD) in 2009 in its seedling year.

The variety did come out on top for winter hardy varieties in 2010 and 2011 out yielding NORCEN by an average of 28% for the two years in this state trial. The variety, PARDEE, out yielded BRUCE by 1% but having grown it and experiencing winterkill on this variety for three years in different fields we know its usage will be limited to more southerly locations. In New Brunswick (NBAFA) trials, BRUCE out yielded LEO by 13.5% and out yielded LEO in Nova Scotia by 5% – more data will be available as this years results come in. Seedling vigour is an extremely valuable trait as we can see climate challenges ahead be it drought, flood, or weed challenges due to farmers not being able to access the field due to wet conditions. With the loss of snow cover in different regions in mid-winter, winter hardiness is another trait that cannot be over looked as we go forward.

Bruce Cultivar Description

Bruce Cornell Trials


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